
Brazil Fazenda Sao judas Tadeu Picture review

So I got sidetracked by shiny things to the left of me and shiny things to the right of me but I am focused again on getting these photo reviews finished there are some great ones still to come.

This one was in Chapada Diamantina, in the city of Piatã, Bahia, Mr. Antônio Rigno was kind enough to meet us and show us around even though it was a last minute thing. This was not part of the planned trip, but as I found out driving into the middle of Piata you can just find people, Antônio’s house is just around the corner from the shop João Florentino Barbosa from Cerca de Pedra owns, the coffee world is a very small world in Piata.

The farm it self was a model farm, with amazing amenities, beautifully laid out, well looked after and maintained machinery, it was a model farm. Antônio told us this harvest had been even better this year and that they were hopeful that quality would be even higher.

A super coffee we hope to see back next year for a third year, we cross our fingers

OK some some numbers

Farm: Chacara São Judas Tadeu
Farmer: Antonio Rigno De Oliveira
City: Piata
Region: Bahia
Country: Brazil
Farm Size: 35.00 Hectares
Coffee growing area: 15.00 Hectares
Altitude: 1150
Certification: None
Variety: Catuaí
Processing System: Pulped Natural

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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