
Death by Caffeine

From too much coffee gelandenwagen found this little gem that made me smile, so I thought I’d share it with you guys.

Interesting results

After 124.89 shots of Espresso, you’d be pushing up daisies
After 86.13 cups of Drip Coffee, you’d be pushing up daisies
3568.18 cups of Decaf Brewed Coffee + You = Death
After 156.11 cans of Red Bull, you’d be pushing up daisies

And the one I’m safe from is

After 108.60 cups of Instant Coffee, you’d be pushing up daisies

After 108 cups I’m be very ill without the caffeine

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

All posts by Just Steve Leighton →


  1. just read your post on Death by caffeine.

    I have been with NZ’s largest roaster for 24 years, as well as part-owning a cafe and presently have a role establishing new cafes in our franchised Robert Harris cafe chain.

    I have also visited many coffee drinking countries, including England/Scotland/Ireland where, as a guest of Matthew Algie (they are good friends of ours), I have had a good look at the UK scene. I went to Seattle last year for the WBA and have been to Italy, Spain, France and Switzerland checking out how the do it.

    I do a semi-regular coffee news (its not a blog) email newsletter. Can I have your permission to add a bit of your stuff? I send it to all my coffee contacts ..its non profit, just spreading the gospel as it were.

  2. Hey rod

    Help yourself, I’m all for spreading the word.

    I know a few of the Guys at Algie, good people. Next time your over in the UK you’ll have to come visit.


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