
World domination one coffee at a time

As part of my world domination plan I’m trying to buy every coffee in the world. We all have to start somewhere so I’ve started by trying to buy up all the beans called las delicious. In an evil plan to confuse and bewilder the packing staff at has bean.

It wasn’t a plan if the truth be known, but this is one of the strange things a blind cupping table can bring up. Building on the Las Delicious bourbon and the las delicious pacamara from el salvador, the cup of excellence from colombia brought this one up.

Colombia Las Delicious – Uriel Antonio Cup of Excellence

This is another Las Delicious. It originates from Colombia and is from the Cup of Excellence program. The farm on which it is grown is situated in the Province of Risaralda and has an annual production of around 3800kg. It is is owned and managed by Uriel Antonio, who employs just three temporary workers when needed.

Uriel was born in 1963, is married and has sons. He inherited the farm from his farther at the age of 16 and has always strived to produce the finest coffee possible, with quality always at the forefront of his mind. Uriel is very proactive. He has studied Management of Agricultural Enterprises and Leadership courses at the Manuel Mejía Foundation, along with Good Agriculture Practices and Safe Management of plagues at SENA. Uriel is the vice-president of the Municipal Coffee Committee, a delegate in the Cooperative COOPCAFER, and President of the Municipal Commercialization Committee, where he looks out for the well-being of all coffee growers.

In the cup expect orange acidity, sweet blood orange with a juciyness. Then on the mid palate it turns into a raspberry caramel ending on a creamy smooth, long lasting chocolate orange note. Amazing coffee, worthy of its Cup of Excellence award.

Farm: Las Delicias

Farmer: Uriel Antonio Chiquito

Rank: 20

City: Not Available

Region: Risaralda

Country: Colombia

Farm Size: 1.70 Hectares

Coffee growing area: 1.33 Hectares

Altitude: 1778 masl

Certification: None

Variety: Caturra 60%, Colombia 30%, Supremo 10%

Processing System: Washed

Lot Size: 17 bags

Annual Production: 53.5 (70kg bags)

Soil Type: Clay Soil

Annual Precipitation: 2200 mm

Shade: Semi-shade 20% – natural cloudy

Permanent Workers: 1

Temporary Workers: 3

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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One Comment

  1. Shouldn’t the coffee be called Las Delicias? I think your spelling corrector is working overtime…

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