
The Best Customers/friends in the world

Every now and again things come along that stop you in your tracks. Yesterday I was hit with a HUGE sledgehammer of how lucky I am, living the dream as they say.

As lots of you know that I came back from Brazil with more than a memory. I got bitten by a beastie that got infected, and for the first time since I’ve worked at Has Bean got knocked off my feet literally.

So imagine my surprise when I received the parcel below

IMG_0252This was a lovely gift from my friend David Dunlop (I’m sure he will hate me outing him but he deserves it).

Because I was feeling all sorry for myself he took the time to select three wines (all wines that I am very excited about) that match my kind of tastes to a tee.

David has never met me, only spoke to me on email and goes to all that trouble.

David, you have made me so happy, like amazingly touched by your kind warm thoughts and wonderfully conciderate card and warm kind words. When I first decided that we were going have a run at the dream called Has Bean I never believed I would have such great customers and friends (I’m not sure what the difference is anymore).

So wanted to share how lucky I am, time to count those lucky stars.Thank you David, I don’t deserve a great friend like you, your wine will be drank with every glass raised in your honor.

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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  1. Absolutely fantastic!

  2. […] joins the President's two other nominees, Craig Becker and Mark Pearce, both Democrats. …The Best Customers/friends in the world Has BlogWhat you have been saying. Mark Pearce says: 5 December, 2009 at 1:45 pm. Absolutely fantastic! […]

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