
More cupping

I managed to get some time to cup some of the Ecafe Foundation unwashed coffees Saturday, and it was a strange experience. I love Ethiopians, I like unwashed coffees, but didn’t like any of the top six at all. There was this undercurrent of sweet pipe tobacco that came up in 5 of the six I cupped. On the table I also had a washed yirg that I have in stock and a couple of Colombian I was sent last week, that I needed to assess, and they were oasis in the desert of wild (and not a good wild) coffee.

I’ve still got the Washed ones to look at, but I’m not as exited as I thought I would be about it. But open mind and all that, will keep you all posted.

New Blog

Ok I have no Shame, I’ve copied our friend James Hoffmann and swapped our blog across to a package called WordPress. Like James I wanted something a little more flexible and better for our blog and here it is. You can now add comments and the RSS feed is much better than the old. We hope you like our new home, and sorry James, but it’s the best form of flattery. Our New Blog is at

Cupping Bowls and Article

We have taken delivery of some cool cupping bowls. I’m a bit beaten up by customs and excise bringing them in and some hidden costs we didn’t know about, but we are still happy to be (as far as I can see) the only website in Europe (maybe even the world) taking these professional style bowls, to the coffee drinking public. They are the perfect size and the perfect materials, and very very sexy (take a look). In honour of this we have reproduced an article we did on Too Much Coffee a while back here on the noticeboard

The Man on the ground

Our man on the ground in Honduras has sent us a picture of our sack waiting to be filled with our cup of excellence award winning coffee. To you it’s a sack to me it’s freaking cool 🙂

honduras sack

Well I’m excited anyway