

Africa, and in particular Ethiopia is somewhere I vowed to do better this year. Its a tough place to find consistently tasty coffee, and you have to rely on the cupping table solely to find these amazing lots.

That is a lot of work , investment of time and energy to find them only to find next year they are not so good.

This also means reaching out to new importers / exporters all the time, to find tasty and delicious lots.

This is the first Jimma coffee I have stocked in a very long time and this is because its the first one I have tasted and enjoyed. Different to to the other lots as its much more about mouthfeel and sweetness than the normal floral acidity of a washed ethiopian. I hope you enjoy

You can buy it here, or read about it below

Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee. There are more than 1.1 million coffee farmers (smallholders) in Ethiopia, representing 95% of the production. The varieties are referred to collectively as Ethiopian Heirloom, which is a myriad of local native Typica hybrids and new improved varietals based on the old strains. The two main growing areas are in the west and south. Most coffees are organic by default, but they are rarely certified.

Kecho Tirtira is a new cooperative that started to produce coffees in 2011. It’s in a remote area with hardly any access by roads. They strictly adhere to the lot traceability system and maintain very high quality controls through the process. It’s a very well organized cooperative with great location, altitude and future potential is high.

In the cup the biggest thing about this coffee is its mouthfeel. Thick viscous and gloupy almost chewy. There is an acidity of sweet oranges with a toffee / caramel sweetness that goes on and one

Cooperative: Kecho Tirtira
Local municipality: Jimma, Limu – Kossa
Altitude: Located at 1850 – 2050 masl
Producers: About 350 smallholders.
Varietals: Ethiopian Heirloom.
Production: Fully Washed
Soil: Recent volcanic deposits.

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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