
New Beans

I love it when we get new beans. In total we have six (seven if you include the Agua Azul / Quebradon).

To list them –

Guatemala CO2 Decaf Lake Atitlan

I was lucky enough to visit the coop of this coffee on my Guatemala trip last year. I really wanted to stock it, but we have so many guats (it was five and now four plus this one), so it just wasn’t possible. But now its available in decaf what a great opportunity.

In the cup its winey, fruity and very very tasty.

Australian Skyberry

This old favorite returns, one of the first “exotics” we stocked and a great coffee. In the cup it’s very smooth, balanced with rich flavour and a full body, with great buttery tones.

Zambia Lupili Estate

Another return coffee. In the cup is big sharp acidity with good body. Hints of chocolate orange that is so typical of the area. This is a filter / french press coffee that really isnโ€™t an espresso style of coffee. A blender yes an Single origin shot, no.

Ecuador Vilcabamba โ€œvalley of longevityโ€

“Vilcabamba” – quechua for “Sacred Valley” – is the name of a small village in southern Ecuador. Generations of scientists have tried to solve the secret of longevity in this fascinating place and have tried to find an answer to the question why so many people here surpass the age of 100 enjoying their life at best health.

All I know is this delicate cup hits me with spice and pie nuts and is a really unique coffee.

Ethiopian Harar

Everyone who knows coffee knows about Harar. So I wont go into it here

In the cup itโ€™s intense with a complex taste of fruit, wine and chocolate. Harar is special but versatile and will suit espresso and filter/ french press.

Java Blawan

This thick bodied, earthy, honesty cup it everything you would expect from this famous government estate. In the aftertaste that classic mushroom and almost vegetal tones make it a really unusual cup.

Should be something for every one there.

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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  1. How do you feel Harars will fare this year, Steve? I have to admit I was not very impressed with last year. Hopefully we’ll get more “exotica” from them this time around.

  2. Hate it when you get new beans ๐Ÿ˜› If the Lupili is anything like the last one, it was great in a capp ๐Ÿ˜€ and I think perhaps might make a great afternoon Americano?

    OHHHH what I’d do for a Harrar right about now ๐Ÿ˜€ Any blueberries out of this one?

  3. Harar has been very poor and it became virtually impossible to find anything good. This is the first time back on our range for over 12 months, not because we couldn’t get any, just couldn’t get any that was good ๐Ÿ™‚

    Marcy its more winey than blueberries, but if I could get my Clover any time this year then I know I could find some in there ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. If you have trouble with getting your hands on a Clover, Steve… just send the Harrar over to me and I’ll find the blueberries out of the Clover on your behalf ๐Ÿ˜› How long more til your holiday trip? ๐Ÿ˜› And are you ever gonna tell me what’s ‘pencilled’ in? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Not a holiday

    I cant say as it is penciled in but its very big for me thats for sure. More to come as soon as its confirmed.

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