
Has Forum

So linking into the last audioboo I did talking about a forum for has bean its now gone live at the link here

I’ve resisted doing this for a very long time for quite a few reasons. I love some of the forums already out there very much, and I don’t think there is a space for another of those. You want general coffee chat then you can do a lot worse than going to somewhere like, or and joining in the community.

But one thing that is missing is a place where we can talk about anything to do with Has Bean. These forums run (with very good reason) on a non-commercial basis, so it’s not right for us to go there and push our wears or talk specifically about our products. But I’ve been asked may times about creating such a place, so here it is. I don’t expect it to be a hive of activity but more of a place for the occasional post. If you think there should be some different categories or something should be changed, do please let me know.

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About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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