
Ethiopian Wild Bonga Forest is back

So an old favourite returns, the incredibly popular wild bonga returns, always a huge seller, a great (and unusual espresso and a lovely brewed coffee its multi functional.

To read more look below, to buy click here

I promise to get back to blogging and not just flogging soon 🙂

Ethiopia Wild Bonga Forest 2009-2010 Crop

The name already implies, the Kaffa province in the southwest of Ethiopia is the ancestral home of coffee. From the dense rainforests of former times, today only an area of 2000 square kilometres remain.

The area is characterised by excellent soil and climatic conditions. The crumbly-clayey soil is of volcanic birth and therefore rich in nutriment. Moreover there are daytime temperatures of 20°C and nights are chilly and it is raining frequently; ideal conditions for prosper of the wild Arabica plants.

The coffee will be harvested by small scale farmers of different cooperatives following the principle of sustainable agriculture. Farmers in this area around the city of Bonga are picking this unique wild grown Arabica coffee by hand.

According to the principle “From The Cup To The Tree” the AMBER foundation ensures the traceability of the coffee to the correct area of the forest where the it grows.
Selling the wild coffee is for the farmers an impulsion to conserve the forest and concomitant they improve their income permanently.

The Amber Foundation gives the guarantee that this raw coffee is 100% natural rainforest coffee. Due to the newly developed biomolecular method an exact identification of the coffee is possible.

But all we care about is in the cup, and this is where this coffee gets weird. One minute this coffee is rich in body, with hints of spice, similar in many ways to Ethiopian Harrar with its earthy mushroom overtones, but with a surprisingly silky mouthfeel that lingers on and on long after the cup. In the next cup it might have the floral acid zip with jasmine that you would expect from a much cleaner coffee. The weird part is that one cup can be completely different to the next. Inconsistent, yes, good coffee, for sure.


About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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