
All that glitters is not Cachoeria

All that Glitters is not Cachoeira. For those who have followed the course of Has Bean over the years, Cachoeira has been a staple of our diet, and one of my favourite coffees. Gabriel the farm owner and grower has long grasped that even one of the best coffee farms in the world (of which Cachoeira is certainly one in my book) produces three kinds of coffee. Commercial grade coffee, poor quality little interest to the specialty market, standard commercial grade coffees. Then you have your mid market coffees similar to say a Brazil Santos or a Medillin Excellso. Of little interest to most specialty buyers, but you will occasionally find an OK lot or something that can bring an interesting angle on a blend. Then you have your premium coffees that demand a higher price due to the quality and extrinsic qualities of the coffee.

For a long time The Yellow Bourbon from Cachoeira has been phenomenal, nothing more than an awesome example of what’s possible in Brazil. But what happens if someone sells some of the commercial grade or mid market coffees as Cachoeira, but doesn’t give you any more information? Something similar has happened for years with Daterra. The price difference between the Reserve that we sell, and some of the other lots from the farm is 100%, but both can be sold as Daterra, and to the unassuming eye both could be seen as the same coffee. Trust me on the cupping table and in the final cup they are not the same at all.

So why do I tell you all this? There are some people out there selling Cachoeira that may be past crop or not the premium lots from this farm. Not all of it the same quality as the coffee we sell. Due to the special relationship we have with our importers and the relationship they have fostered between us and Gabriel we get the very best of this farms coffee, and pay a premium for it. Last year when the Canario first ever harvest was released we ended up with 7 out of the 8 bags a special coffee. This year our Importer (and a certain Barista) asked if it could be dried on screen this year, never a problem for Gabriel. Its all about trust.

As a side not someone pointed out to me that when new crops arrive I don’t update the cupping notes and the descriptions. Of course they change, and me very bad and will try to do this more. Our most recent changes are Cachoeira and Canario.

About the author Just Steve Leighton

I'm just Steve Leighton

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